Anti-Social Behaviour and HMO Properties
HMO managers must deal with alleged anti-social behaviour
HMO landlords and agents in Northern Ireland are required to take steps to deal with alleged incidents of anti-social behaviour occurring within the curtilage of their property.
As part of this requirement, Belfast City Council has produced a guide on tackling anti-social behaviour.
The requirements go beyond awareness - you must have an actual plan of action in place that you are prepared to follow. Your anti-social behaviour plan is also required as part of your licence application and it is your responsibility to come up with a suitable plan. If you submit something that the HMO unit considers inadequate it will be rejected.
Fortunately for LANI members we have a plan you can use that has been pre-approved by Belfast City Council's HMO unit. Please ensure you read it to ensure you know what you are agreeing to before submitting it as part of your licence application.
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