For the latest information and advice, HMRC’s online help is available for landlords of UK residential property, whatever your level of experience.
Individuals with income from UK residential property
We’ll look at the property income allowance, record keeping, repairs and improvements plus mortgage and finance costs.
You can ask questions using the on-screen text box.
You can choose between 2 sessions – Wednesday 31 August 9.45am – 10.45am Thursday 15th September 11.45am -12.45pm
Can’t make any of these sessions? There’s more help for landlords on HMRC’s YouTube channel, including:
If I have income from property, how do I fill in my tax return?
What allowable expenditure can I claim against Capital Gains Tax?
Or check out the HMRC ‘Property rental‘ and ‘Capital Gains Tax for land and buildings‘ toolkits.
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